Premature ejaculation takes place when a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner wishes. This can happen within a minute after the intercourse. This may cause a problem in your relationship and so it is necessary to cure this.
Sex is an important part in life and so this problem can cured by the following ways:
1.) By naturally:
Yes this can be treated naturally as follows:
>> Exercising the muscles and strengthening retains the bladder and other organs which also includes the pelvic area.
>> Avoid stress and worries. Give free time to your life.
>> Have proper and healthy diet and physical exercise will help you to avoid thepremature ejaculation.
2.) By medications:
>> Besides the natural remedies there is medication available in the market which you can have prescribed by the doctor. Some recommended medications such asSildenafil citrate, Dapoxetine. These can be taken and they are easily available but it’s good to take after you consult the physician. Though they are effective they also have some side effects such as headache, dizziness, nausea etc.
In this way you can prevent premature ejaculation and a have healthy sexual life.
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In the recent it has been found only aging factor is not responsible for erectile dysfunction or impotence. If a person is consuming multiple medications then he may suffer from erectile dysfunction. Generally after age 35 men starts various medical treatments to keep them fit and healthy. Medications for hypertension, diabetes causes bed effects on mens sexual health .It has been found that there is more risk of impotence in men who take more than 10 medications per day. This research was held on men who are overweight, smokers and diabetics and check that how much medicines they take in a day.
In some instances erectile dysfunction was deal with the help of life style changes such as exercise, change in diet and elimination in some medication. It is found that if men change their lifestyle then it may reduce erectile dysfunction due to medication.
Erectile dysfunction can be found in men if they are consuming medicines for beta blockers, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression or those are related with the production of testosterone. There are lot of medication such as generic viagra and other ED treatments available in market which helps to get relief from erectile dysfunction. Generic Viagra brings erection in impotent men so that they can maintain erection during sexual act.
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Sex is said to be the healer for health. It is not only a pleasure for two persons but it’s a cure for some other disorders that you may face. It can be a key point that helps you to keep fit. May be sex, this three letter is not good that is to be understand in some cultures but it can bring an effective change on your health.
Sex is a bonding of two people which keep them tied up and helps to keep faith amongst two. It also helps couples understand each other and be together the whole life. Besides the personal advantage here are some advantages of sex which can keep your health fit:
• It helps you to forget all the disappointments and sadness which may face the whole day
• Stress which a big thing that can spoil you is thrown away by sex.
• It helps to grow the hormones in the body and keeps you energetic.
• It is kind of exercise which stretches you physically and mentally.
• Sex boosts all the energy like Vitamin E and effect stays in the body.
• The orgasm helps to feel your lighter and no pains in the body.
• Sex helps to improve the sense of smell, decrease the risk of prostate cancer.
• You will be able to get a better sleep due this relaxation.
Having sex is good but the important part is having it safe so that you don’t face other consequences ahead. If you have any sexual dysfunctions, you even have many medications available here. You can take the medications such Generic Viagra, Cialis, Kamagra etc. You may consult a doctor for that. Sex is not bad but you should have it safe and live a happy life with good health.
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Vaginal Infection: aginal health is something that should be important to every woman. Your vagina is important. Taking care of it should be one of your top priorities, especially if you want to have children or think you will want to have children in the future. Not taking the time to take proper care of your vagina can lead to vaginal infection. Infection can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease which in many cases will mean you are no longer able to conceive children. Although when you are younger this may not seem like a problem as many younger women feel little desire to have children, as you grow older, you will almost certainly regret that decision. The fabled biological clock is very real. This is something you should keep in mind earlier in life to stave off heartache in the long run. It is important to keep your options open regarding having children. You may stick to your guns and decide you never want to have children but if you don’t properly care for your vagina and decide down the line that you want to have children of your own, you may wish you had taken more time to care for your vagina. There are many things you can do to keep your vagina healthy. Follow these ten basic rules to avoid vaginal infection and keep your vagina healthy regardless of whether you want children or not. 10. Be aware of your vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is normal and very beneficial. Vaginal discharge is your body’s way of cleaning itself. This discharge helps clear out the old cells attached to your vagina and helps prevent the build up of bacteria inside of your vagina. Normal vaginal discharge has no odor and is either clear or milky in appearance. It will change depending on your menstrual cycle, sexual arousal and breastfeeding. If you notice severe changes or you notice blood in the discharge between menstrual cycles you need to consult your doctor right away. A change in your vaginal discharge is often your vagina’s way of telling you there is a problem. Being aware of your discharge and what is normal for you is the best way to tell if there is a problem. 09. Use condoms. Using condoms is an obvious way to take care of your vagina. The truth is, however, that some women may find they suffer from vaginal irritation following the use of condoms. If this is the case, you likely have a problem with either the latex in condoms or the spermicidal agents in the lubricant on some condoms. If that is the case, you should speak with your doctor about alternative condom options. 08. Safe sex isn’t just about condoms. Many women enjoy anal sex but it can be quite dangerous to the health of your vagina if you aren’t careful. There is nothing wrong with liking anal sex and it doesn’t need to be something you avoid entirely as long as you never, under any circumstances, follow it immediately with vaginal sex. Change condoms before having vaginal sex if you have been having anal sex. In addition, if you are masturbating and use sex toys, make sure you keep those toys clean. Most sex toy shops will sell cleaner that is safe for use on these toys. 07. Although hot tubs are relaxing, avoid them. Hot tubs are a great way to relax, have a glass of champagne and enjoy a quiet evening. Hot tubs are also full of bacteria just waiting for your unsuspecting vagina. Avoid continuous use or even regular use. You will enjoy a nice hot bath just as much and you can avoid much of the problem bacteria this way. 06. If you can avoid wearing underpants, do it! We’ve always been told that ladies wear underpants, but the truth is, underpants can be a contributing factor to vaginitis. Your vaginal discharge gets trapped inside your underpants and if you have a particularly heavy discharge, this can irritate your vagina. If you must wear underpants, choose cotton underpants during the day and avoid wearing underpants at night. 05. Keep your vagina clean. Your vagina is generally a very clean part of your body as your vaginal discharge helps keep it cleaned out. That said, you need to shower or bathe every day to make sure the outside of your vagina remains as clean as the inside. Avoid scented soaps or soaps that have harsh chemicals as they may only lead to lead to irritation. You may want to consider using baby soap as it is very gentle because it is designed for the sensitive skin of a baby. 04. Douching does more harm that good. Washing the outside of your vagina every day is enough to keep it clean. You do not need to douche. Douching products often employ chemicals that will cause irritation in your vagina and you may even cause any vaginal infection inside your vagina to spread to your uterus or fallopian tubes. This may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and eventual infertility. 03. Yeast is normal. Yeast infections are not. Some women are prone to yeast infections but it is important not to ignore them. Left untreated, yeast infections can lead to significant problems. Yeast infections often cause itchiness, swelling, pain and will cause your vaginal discharge to become almost like cottage cheese. Make sure you have the infection treated right away. 02. That fishy smell isn’t normal. If you notice a fishy order especially after sex, and notice your vaginal discharge is gray, yellow or even white you may have bacterial vaginosis. Your doctor will be able to treat this, usually with pills, so be sure you consult with your doctor right away. 01. Learn about STDs and look for signs. Most of us know the common symptoms of Chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes and things of that nature from health class, but trichomoniasis is something we should also be aware of. This is a bacterium that we catch from a sexual partner that has it. It causes a foul odor, pain or itching during urination and a yellow or green colored discharge that is watery and bubbly. Have your doctor test you if you have any of these symptoms and have it treated.
Types of Abnormal Discharge and Their Possible Causes
Type of Discharge | What It Might Mean | Other Symptoms |
Bloody or brown | Irregular menstrual cycles, or less often, cervical or endometrial cancer | |
Cloudy or yellow | Gonorrhea | Bleeding between periods, urinary incontinence |
Frothy, yellow or greenish with a bad smell | Trichomoniasis | Pain and itching while urinating |
Pink | Shedding of the uterine lining after childbirth (lochia) |
Thick, white, cheesy | Yeast infection | Swelling and pain around the vulva, itching, painful sexual intercourse |
White, gray, or yellow with fishy odor | Bacterial vaginosis | Itching or burning, redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva |
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Vaginal Infections
"Vaginitis" is a medical term used to describe various conditions that cause infection or inflammation of the vagina. Vulvovaginitis refers to inflammation of both the vagina and vulva (the external female genitals). These conditions can result from a vaginal infection caused by organisms such as bacteria, yeast, or viruses, as well as by irritations from chemicals in creams, sprays, or even clothing that is in contact with this area. In some cases, vaginitis results from organisms that are passed between sexual partners.
What Are the Symptoms of a Vaginal Infection?
The symptoms of a vaginal infection can vary depending on what is causing it. Some women have no symptoms at all. Some of the more common symptoms of vaginitis include:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.
- Burning during urination.
- Itching around the outside of the vagina.
- Discomfort during intercourse.
Is Vaginal Discharge Normal?
A woman's vagina normally produces a discharge that usually is described as clear or slightly cloudy, non-irritating, and odor-free. During the normal menstrual cycle, the amount and consistency of discharge can vary. At one time of the month there may be a small amount of a very thin or watery discharge; and at another time, a more extensive thicker discharge may appear. All of these descriptions could be considered normal.
A vaginal discharge that has an odor or that is irritating usually is considered an abnormal discharge. The irritation might be itching or burning, or both. The itching may be present at any time of the day, but it often is most bothersome at night. These symptoms often are made worse by sexual intercourse. It is important to see your doctor if there has been a change in the amount, color, or smell of the discharge.
What Are the Most Common Types of Vaginal Infections?
The six most common types of vaginal infections are:
- Candida or "yeast" infections.
- Bacterial vaginosis.
- Trichomoniasis vaginitis.
- Chlamydia vaginitis.
- Viral vaginitis.
- Non-infectious vaginitis.
Although each of these vaginal infections can have different symptoms, it is not always easy for a woman to figure out which type she has. In fact, diagnosis can even be tricky for an experienced doctor. Part of the problem is that sometimes more than one type of infection can be present at the same time. And, an infection may even be present without any symptoms at all.
To help you better understand these six major causes of vaginitis, let's look briefly at each one of them and how they are treated.
What Is Candida or a Vaginal "Yeast" Infection?
Yeast infections of the vagina are what most women think of when they hear the term "vaginitis." Vaginal yeast infections are caused by one of the many species of fungus called Candida. Candida normally live in small numbers in the vagina, as well as in the mouth and digestive tract, of both men and women.
Yeast infections can produce a thick, white vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese although vaginal discharge may not always be present. Yeast infections usually cause the vagina and the vulva to be very itchy and red.
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Each year, as spring rolls around, many seasonal allergy sufferers lament, “Maybe I should just move to Alaska!” Warm weather arrives, the trees bud, the flowers bloom -- and noses burst with sniffles and irritation. Then just as the allergic reactions of April and May have become a memory, fall hits, and it’s ragweed season. So can you relocate to escape your allergies? Most allergists would say no: Moving is no solution to seasonal allergies. But there are cities that are more “allergy-friendly” than others, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The foundation puts out lists each year for the worst cities for spring allergies, and the worst cities for fall allergies. Each list ranks 100 metropolitan areas. Cities are scored based on a combined ranking of pollen score, number of people who use allergy medication, and number of allergy specialists. The list doesn't label them "best" or "worst," but does say that some cities are ''the most challenging places to live'' with allergies. On this list, a low ranking is good! Here are the cities that ranked 90 through 100 on the foundation’s spring allergy capital list in 2010: - Portland, Ore.
- Seattle, Wash.
- San Diego, Calif.
- Sacramento, Calif.
- Albany, NY
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- Stockton, Calif.
- San Jose, Calif.
- Colorado Springs, Colo.
- Daytona Beach, Fla.
Most of the best 10 cities are pretty temperate, with few dramatic seasonal weather swings. Albany, N.Y. -- the only Northeast city to make the list -- has long cold seasons and lake-effect snow, meaning shorter pollen cycles. What Makes a Place Allergy-Friendly?What if your city’s not on the list? How can you tell if you live in an “allergy-friendly” place, other than walking outside and sniffing the air? There are a few key factors that affect seasonal allergies. Pollen Count. For people with seasonal allergies, it’s pretty simple: In general , the more pollen in the air, the more symptoms you may experience. Many people have symptoms when pollen counts are 20-100. However, your symptoms can be affected by recent exposure to other allergens, the intensity of pollen exposure, and your own sensitivity. So if your allergies are making you miserable, wouldn’t it make sense to move to Anchorage, or at least to Buffalo? “You might be exposed to a lot less pollen, that’s true,” says James Sublett, M.D., FACAAI, a clinical professor and the section chief of pediatric allergy at the University of Louisville School of Medicine in Kentucky. Louisville is perennially named one of the worst places to live with seasonal allergies. “But unless you live in an extreme climate, there will be some pollen.” And even if you do live, say, in Alaska, you might be just trading one type of pollen for another – like outdoor mold.
Geography. Mountainous areas are often considered less allergy-prone than valleys. Note Salt Lake City and Colorado Springs on the top 10 list. The Mountain West usually has much lower pollen counts than the Southeast and Midwest, because it doesn’t have the large expanses of wild grasses that can kick up pollen. But in spring 2010, people with allergies in Mountain West states like Idaho were complaining of one of the worst allergy seasons in years. Living near the ocean is also considered a good allergy precaution, as the ocean breezes tend to blow allergens away. That’s probably why Portland, Seattle, and San Diego did so well on the list. Weather. It’s six of one, half dozen of the other with this factor. Moist, humid air -- like the kind you find in the southeastern U.S. -- can be very pollen-friendly. So areas where the air is drier, like the Mountain West, may provoke fewer allergic reactions. On the other hand, dry air dries out your nasal passages. City vs. Country. If you have seasonal allergies, you might think you’d be better off living in the city, away from all the crops, grasses, flowers, and other allergen magnets found in the countryside. But you might be surprised, says Sublett. “In the city, you have a lot of allergy triggers like pollution, particularly diesel particulates,” says Sublett. “And you may inhale just as much pollen or ragweed from weeds and plants growing along the curbs and in vacant lots.” No matter how appealing it may sound, moving to Portland or Seattle -- or the North Pole -- isn’t the solution to your allergy problem, says Sublett. “You might temporarily have some relief, but as you live in a new place for awhile, someone who has a tendency toward seasonal allergies will start developing sensitivities to that area’s outdoor pollen, and every part of the country has certain pollens that tend to be a problem at particular times of the year.” So instead of packing up your moving boxes, pack up your seasonal allergy tool kit with as much information as you can about the seasonal allergies you have and how you can manage them right where you are. Start with a visit to an allergy specialist . “Focus on doing what you can to make where you’ve living the best it can be for your allergies,” Sublett says.
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Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of the throat — one tonsil on each side. Signs and symptoms of tonsillitis include swollen tonsils, sore throat and difficulty swallowing.Most cases of tonsillitis are caused by infection with a common virus, but a bacterial infection also may cause tonsillitis.Because appropriate treatment for tonsillitis depends on the cause, it's important to get a prompt and accurate diagnosis. Surgery to remove tonsils, once a common procedure to treat tonsillitis, is usually performed only when tonsillitis occurs frequently, doesn't respond to other treatments or causes serious complications.
Tonsillitis most commonly affects children between preschool ages and the mid-teenage years. Common signs and symptoms of tonsillitis include: - Red, swollen tonsils
- White or yellow coating or patches on the tonsils
- Sore throat
- Difficult or painful swallowing
- Fever
- Enlarged, tender glands (lymph nodes) in the neck
- A scratchy, muffled or throaty voice
- Bad breath
- Stomachache, particularly in younger children
- Stiff neck
- Headache
In young children who are unable to describe how they feel, signs of tonsillitis may include: - Drooling due to difficult or painful swallowing
- Refusal to eat
- Unusual fussiness
Tonsillitis is most often caused by a common cold virus, but other viral and bacterial infections can also be the cause. The most common bacterium causing tonsillitis is Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A streptococcus, the bacterium that causes most cases of strep throat. Complication
Inflammation or swelling of the tonsils from frequent or ongoing (chronic) tonsillitis can cause complications such as: - Difficulty breathing
- Disrupted breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea)
- Infection that spreads deep into surrounding tissue (tonsillar cellulitis)
- Infection that results in a collection of pus behind a tonsil (tonsillar abscess)
Strep infection
If tonsillitis caused by group A streptococcus or another strain of streptococcal bacteria isn't treated or if antibiotic treatment is incomplete, your child has an increased risk of rare disorders such as: - Rheumatic fever, an inflammatory disorder that affects the heart, joints and other tissues
- Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, an inflammatory disorder of the kidneys that results in inadequate removal of waste and excess fluids from blood
Are you not able to swallow your food because of throat pain? Do you sore throat problem or does the ear pain trouble you when you try to swallow your food? If your answer to any of these queries is ‘yes’, it is very likely that you are suffering from Tonsillitis.
Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils. In Tonsillitis the lymph glands on either side at the back of your throat get inflamed, which in turn results in sore throat. The Tonsillitis problem can induce different side effects on different individuals. Tonsillitis can arise due to the infection of bacteria or viruses. The commencement of tonsillis treatment starts with self care. This is the technique through which you can prevent further infections without taking any medication.
The swelling and pain of the lymph glands can be reduced by gargling with salt water. You can do this before you go to bed in the night. It is one of the very effective ways of treating tonsillitis. But, ensure that you do not opt to do this very frequently for the amount of salt that goes into your mouth have the possibility of affecting kidneys in the long run. Take hot drinks like tea or soups. Don’t drink very cold beverages. These self care tactics prove to be effective only to some extent. However, if you don’t get a relief with the help of these methods, understand the nuances and discuss your problem with a medical practitioner as soon as possible. When you opt to take a bacterial tonsillitis strep test, you get a positive result if the root cause for your tonsillitis is bacterial infection. In such scenarios, antibiotics prove to be the best and the most effective treatment option. Penicillin is one of the very common antibiotics that are prescribed for tonsillitis that arises out of bacterial infections. When you get into the tonsillitis treatment regimen for your tonsillitis, ensure that you complete the entire dosage prescribed. Do not abruptly terminate the dosage just because your pain and swelling disappear. If you really intend to combat the problem of bacterial tonsils infection completely and full fledged, make sure that you complete the dosage that was prescribed by the medical practitioner. However, tonsillitis can also be caused by viral infections. You can get to know this via the strep test. If it as a viral infection, you are likely to get a negative result in this lab test. Viral infection of the tonsils is likely to go away within a span of 1-2 weeks. Tonsillitis can also occur by Virus. Antibiotics are of no avail in this case oftonsillitis treatment. Nonprescription pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) should be given to children instead of aspirin. A person of age up to 20 years or younger should not take aspirin because of its link to Reye syndrome. Acetaminophen should not be given to infants younger than 6 months without first consulting your doctor. If you decide to opt for nonprescription remedies, you can resort to the usage of antiseptic mouthwashes, decongestants, and antihistamines but they are not always effective and powerful. In case of repetitive tonsillitis, it is highly recommended that you consult your medical practitioner and resort to the surgical removal of the tonsils. Commonly termed as tonsillectomy, this has proved to be the effective solution for chronic tonsillitis that is prolonged and painful. Take a few minutes of your time and keep us posted on the feedback of this article using the form below.
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![cc truestory_regret_virginity](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_t9gzYdKv0ajyabgcWKuLBJW4K1waOg0on9ueCF80btLwJriqv3If-Hy4oNcC1OznerYMr-EXyd2gzqbookrTw37LwoUIW9Gm0WNM4aiQJdGojdU_ZhgVU_vAWPHpTTYyvW80um4KyZ8UfdGMQEc1TkOeuW=s0-d) I had a really tumultuous relationship with Sam for about six years on and off at the time, which probably was a red flag to begin with. But I was young and in love, and he was “the one.” The timing with us was always wrong. We’d both be seeing other people, but always gravitated back to each other regardless. We would stay up all night on the phone, bitching to each other about anything and everything.Everyone says your first time should be with someone you love. Well, here’s something “everyone” didn’t tell you: just because you lose it with someone you love doesn’t mean you won’t regret it. I certainly do. While I loved Sam very much, it was not at all the right time. When I look back on it, I don’t have a pleasant memory. One night we were talking, and the topic of sex came up. He was curious, I think, if I had slept with someone. I was shocked that Sam would even propose the idea that I would lose it to someone other than him. He was relieved; “Good because I love you, and I want to have that experience with you.” That’s funny because he wasn’t a virgin. He had actually lost it to my ex-best-friend, but that’s a whole other story that we won’t get into now. Then something terrible happened: one of my best friends ended up in the hospital with a fractured skull and was put in a medical induced coma. I was a complete mess, but Sam was there for me. He always answered my calls, no matter what time it was. He comforted me and let me know that it was going to be okay. But it wasn’t. My friend died a week later. When I found out, I immediately called Sam. I worked with my family on the weekends and my mom didn’t want me to drive home myself, so he came to pick me up. I remember sitting on the curb, bawling my eyes out when he pulled up. I got in the car, put my head in his lap, and cried while he drove to my house. He carried me into my room and sat on my bed, but I felt sick and decided to take a shower. I think I stood there for half an hour just in complete shock. I didn’t know really what was going on. I put on my towel wrap, moseyed back into my room, and curled up next to Sam. I felt safe. He kissed my forehead, then my nose, then my lips, and before I knew it, we were having sex. I don’t even really remember it because I was so mentally removed from the situation. He stayed with me that night, which was nice I suppose, but then I didn’t hear from him for a month. I had just lost a dear friend, my virginity, and Sam. Eventually, we talked and moved on, and even dated for two more years. It was not at all what I had wanted, but it happened. I couldn’t change it, I had to move forward, and I did. But still, I wish I had been strong enough that night to say something. To not get caught up in the moment. To take that moment and that act more seriously. While I regret the way it happened, I don’t regret who it was with. I loved Sam, and he was the right person. I just wish I had waited for the right time as well.
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